Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Horror Films Need Blood

            Horror Films, Blood Drive

    Let’s face one fact that if you are going to make a modern horror film you are going to need blood. Your actors are filled with it and if they do not mind bleeding for the cause the you could go that route other wise you are going to have to make some of the fake stuff.

    There is a simple way to do this and most fake blood is made the same way. You can experiment on the basic recipe and come up with a look and thickness that suits your project best. With the use of Dslr cameras to shoot many films I have noticed that some of the blood looks to bright and thick to be realistic. You need to be careful and do a few test before you settle on the blood that you are going to use.

    Here are quick tutorials on making blood.

     Okay now that we have looked at fake blood how about fake skin for your digital feature film. It will involve getting some liquid latex and if you are one of those people who are allergic to latex I can not help you. (Okay do not cry, if you have to you can use silicone inside of latex.)

    You are going to need this skill even if you are not shooting a horror film. Blood and stab wounds have to look realistic in action and or dramas. And if you are one of those people shooting a walking dead or zombie film this make up effect is a must.

Good luck with your project and remember to stumble us on Stumpleupon and add us to your google plus. If you wish to learn more about the basics of filmmaking please visit us at Thank you for visiting. Vegas Pro 11 from Sony Creative Software Inc.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Horror Filmmaking intro

            The Horror Filmmaker

The Exorcist

    So you want to make a horror movie.

    It seems that it would be my job to cheer you on and to say go for it. The world needs your unique vision. I would say that, but most of you want to create water down re-workings of your favorite films.

    No peep talk yet.

    We have seen big budget remakes of Friday the 13th and the Fog and Nightmare on Elm Street, The Chainsaw Massacre and countless others that had one thing in common. They stink, stank and stunk up theaters from coast to coast and living rooms across the nation.

    Do not copy. Reinvent what you love.

    The Evil Dead is a re-invention of Night of the Living dead. For that matter so is Return of the Living Dead.

    Rob Zombie did not remake Halloween he re-invented it.  He took a great film and flipped it. The original is very cold and well paced. His remake is hot and the pace like the camera work is shaky. He made a very angry and aggressive movie. It is one of those rare horror films that did not give the audience a moment to laugh it off. The original film presented a soulless killing machine who dispatched victims without reguard for them, the new re-invented Michael Myers killed more like a wild animal than a human being.  

    To create a great horror movie you have to really think about all the things that are going on not only inside the story, but inside each character. You have to dig deep to come up with characters whom will be remembered. To make films that people will want to watch for decades to come.

      Okay let's get started.


    I would like you to subscribe to this blog.  Introduce yourself. Make comments and ask questions. Maybe we will make connections. Meet like minded people who want to make the same kind of movies that we do. You might need an intro to someone who does makeup effects or set design or wardrobe or stunts. This blog along with my main site will help in those areas. 

    Okay if you want to jump ahead to the basics of filmmaking click here to visit my website otherwise stay tuned.